Privacy protection. Information pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003.
Privacy statement and cookies setting
This information that is provided pursuant to art. 13 of the d.lgs.n. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments – Code regarding the protection of personal data to those who interact with the web services of NATALI ALIMENTARI Snc, accessible by telematic means starting from the address:, corresponding to the initial page of the site official of the writer. The information is prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the European Community issued on the subject and implemented by the Italian legislature. This information concerns only this site and does not apply to other websites connected and / or possibly consulted by the user through links.

The Data Controller of personal data

The data controller is NATALI ALIMENTARI S.n.c., with registered office in Via Maestri del Lavoro, 22
41037 Mirandola (MO) -P.IVA 02273630364, Tel. +39 0535 610263, in person of the legal representative pro-tempore. All communications addressed to the holder can be sent via the form on the site to the page: Contact.

The treatments connected to the web services of this site take place at the aforesaid location and are only handled by technical personnel of the company or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations. The personal data can also be used by NATALI ALIMENTARI S.n.c. and from its sales network and / or concessionaires for sending their informative and / or promotional material by post, fax or e-mail. These data will not be disseminated in any way, transferred to third parties or otherwise used.

Method of treatment

Personal data are processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Rights of the interested parties

The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification (Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003). According to the same article, you have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing, making a request to the owner of the treatment. To exercise the above rights, you can contact the manager, appointed for this purpose in accordance with article 13 letter f) Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, in the person of the legal representative of NATALI ALIMENTARI S.n.c., available as follows:
contact form located on the Contact page.
telephone: +39 0535 610263;
e-mail: info (at);
postal address at the headquarters of our organization.


Information on Cookies

Cookies are textual information that the website transmits to the navigation software used by the visitor, with the purpose of storing useful data to make the use of the site more efficient. Our site, like almost all the others, uses cookies for different specific purposes, all oriented to improving your browsing experience. Cookies are placed in the “cookies” folder of your browser and may be temporary or persistent. Both types can be safely deleted by adjusting the settings of the navigation program used.

We use the following cookies:

Technical cookies

They are necessary for the operation of the various pages of the site. In their absence the site may be incomplete or not fully functional.

Analytical cookies

They are used to collect information on site navigation, they are used for statistical analysis and for checking its correct functioning. They collect information anonymously on the pages of the site visited by surfers. NATALI ALIMENTARI S.n.c. uses the Google Analytics service of the company Google, Inc. for statistical processing of site usage. For this purpose, Google Analytics uses cookies that do not store personal data. The information transmitted by these cookies (including IP addresses) is sent to Google which deposits and processes them at its premises. The same provides statistical reports in aggregate form with no element to identify the identity of the users. The privacy policy of the Google company, related to the Google Analytics service, is reported at /privacyoverview.html.

Third-party cookies

The site also uses third-party cookies, from other sites and content in various elements hosted on our pages (icons of social networks that allow visitors to interact with it, images, videos, etc.).

Google AdWords cookies

Our site may also use AdWords and the services of the Google Analytics Remarketing Lists for Display Network advertisers. C.A. NATALI ALIMENTARI S.n.c. and Google use both its own cookies (such as Google Analytics cookies), and third-party cookies (such as DoubleClick cookies), to display advertisements based on visits to the site. Therefore Google or other sites may show the promotional material of NATALI ALIMENTARI S.n.c. also on other sites visited. You may decide not to be included in the Google Analytics data for the Display Network and Adwords, and to opt out of personalized ads on the Google Display Network, by visiting < / ads / authenticated> Google “Ads Preferences Management”, which distributes a browser add-on (add-on) to disable Google Analytics and not be included in Google’s programs. If you want to permanently disable the DoubleClick cookie, you can install the DoubleClick opt-out extension.

Disable cookies

If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can set the settings of the navigation program to block reception. In this case we inform you that some parts of the site may not work properly or may not be available.

More information on how to disable cookies from the most used browsers can be found on the following pages:

– Internet Explorer:

– Google Chrome:

– Mozilla Firefox:

– Apple Safari:

Google Analytics cookies can be disabled by using the opt-out add-on that can be downloaded for free from Google.

It is also possible to delete cookies by acting on the specific function of your navigation program.


This information notice, updated on September 19, 2015, may be subject to change, without notice, for changes in laws, technological innovations or changes to the company privacy policy, therefore we recommend visiting this page often and review any updates.